MEP802A with Inova Tech autostart board Wiring from MEP802A generator to basement wall east start/run TB-3 __J90-A_____________________ \ A B+ TB-2 __J90-B_________________ | m \ | p run signal TB-4 __J90-C_____________ | | h \ | | e aux fuel pump J11-1 ________________ | | | n \ | | | o ground TB-1 (TB-9) __J90-E_____ | | | | l \ | | | | -not used- x_______ | | | | | \ | | | | | [ | E | D | C | B | A ] J91: Amphenol connector ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ at generator outside ------------------------------------------------------------ LED- S-1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ to generator basement \ | ground | | | | | | | | block x | | | | | [ | | | | | ] [ | 5| 4| 3| 2| 1] A: 6 pole terminal block | | \ \___________________/ | | | | | M-2| |\ | | | | | M-4| | \_________________ [ : | : | : | : ] Fuse block 5A fuses | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | |1 | | | | | | | |* | | | | | | | \__TD-7 com | | | | | | |\_____TD-4 NO | | | | | | | \___________> PM-2 (Pentametric X | | | | | | | PM-5000-U relay) | | | | | | | | TD-3 NC____ | | | | | | | | TD-6 com_ \- | | | | | | | | | [B] | | | \________________> | | | | <___TD-A ____| |+ | | | | | | | __TD-B ______/ | | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \__I-1 NO | | | | | | | __I-2 com__7__> PM-1 | | | | | | | / I-3 NC * | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | *LEDs: | | | | | | | | | 2 B+ 24VDC power RED | | | | | | | | | 1 MEP run control YEL | | | | | | | | | 3 MEP run indication BLU |7 | |_oTo______ 6 | |4 |3 |2 |5 \__8 4 aux fuel pump BRN |* | | \ ___*___| |* |* |* |* * - ground GRN | | |_oTo__ M-3 \ |+ LED -| | x | | (via TD-8) | | \ | | | S-2 | | 5 AGS run signal ? | | M-1| | | | | | 6 AGS run indication WHT X | | | | | | | xxxx7 SoC meter run signal ? | | | | | __/ | 8 AGS run inhibit | | | | | / | ? XW aux relay | | | | | | | [ 1| 2| | | 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| | 13| 14| | 16] X: 20 pole terminal block to AGS + - \_______________/ X-11, X-13 connected internally in AGS 14 NO contact of Relay 1 16 common contact of Relay 1 ---------------- TB Inovatech autostart board in generator TB-2 constant +24VDC (B+) TB-3 remote start signal, connect to +24VDC to start TB-4 run signal from generator (oil pressure) KEXT separate relay unit supplied by Inovatech with capacitor, resistor, diodes for time delay function there are four external connections KEXT-1 to K1-11 (lead that used to run to K8-12 terminal) KEXT-2 TB-10 KEXT-3 -not used- KEXT-4 TB-2 (+24VDC) KEXT-5 K8-12 KEXT-6 -not used- KEXT-7 -internal connection- KEXT-8 -internal connection- Connections on Inova Connections on MEP802A Connections to basement autostart board ------------------------ ---------------------- ----------------------- TB 1 0V ground A1 - GND TB 1 jumper to TB 9 TB 2 constant +24VDC (B+) S1-6 or S2-2 TB 2 KEXT-4 TB 2 J90-B -> J91-B -> A-2 TB 3 remote start signal J90-A -> J91-A -> A-1 (not ground!) TB 4 oil/heat K20-A TB 4 J90-C -> J91-C -> A-3 TB 5 pre-heat S1-1 TB 6 run/prime S1-3 TB 7 aux fuel S1-5 TB 8 start S1-7 TB 9 relay COM J90-E -> J91-E -> A-5 TB 9 jumper to TB 1 TB 10 relay on (NO) KEXT-2 KEXT-1 K1-11 (loose lead) KEXT-2 TB-10 KEXT-4 TB-2 KEXT-5 K8-12 J11-1 aux fuel pump power J91-D -> A-4 DIP switch settings 1 Aux fuel on enable aux fuel 2 Warm up on 300 sec (5 min) 3 cool down off N/A, 360 sec (6 min) 4 preheat off vary by ambient temp 5 fixed time off (N/A) LEDs on board o o o o o o REMOTE OIL/ ETHER RUN DAY START START TEMP PRE PRIME TANK HEAT AUX FUEL Note the Xantrex XW AGS is programmed for a 30 sec cool down The MEP802A operator manual specifies 5 min warm up, 5 min cool down ---------------- J90 6 pin Amphenol connector between control box and rest of generator this is the one inside the control box (cabinet) behind the front panel J90-A start/run signal TB-3 - J90-A - J91-A - A-1 J90-B constant B+ TB-2 - J90-B - J91-B - A-2 J90-C generator run signal (B+) TB-4 - J90-C - J91-C - A-3 J90-D -not used- J90-E ground TB-1 - J90-E - J91-E - A-5 J90-F -not used- ---------------- J91 6 pin Amphenol connector on outside of generator for generator control wiring J91-A start/run signal YEL A-1 J91-B constant B+ RED A-2 J91-C generator run signal (B+) BLU A-3 J91-D aux fuel pump BRN A-4 J91-E ground GRN A-5 J91-F -not used- WHT ---------------- A fuse block and 6 pole terminal strip in basement this is at the very top of the plywood board A-1 start/run signal fused 5A A A-2 constant B+ fused 5A B A-3 run signal (B+) fused 5A C A-4 aux fuel power fused 5A D tapped from J11-1 at pump A-5 ground E A-6 -not used- ---------------- X Xantrex XW AGS thermostat 1 X-1 yellow input +24V X-2 gray return (gnd) transfer switch safety lockout, NO switch X-5* wht/blk External shutdown input +24VDC X-6 gray External shutdown return (gnd) for manual start indoors: X-7 wht/grn External manual on input (NO momentary) X-8 wht/red External manual off input (NO momentary) X-9 wht/blu External on/off LED indicator X-10 red Constant +24VDC for external on/off indicator (should be fused 5A) X-11 blk External on/off LED return AGS Type 8 generator start (two wire) X-10 red constant +24VDC (jumper to X-14) X-11 blk Generator common/ground X-12** violet Generator run signal (B+) input (from hour meter) X-13 blk Generator run signal (B+) return (internally connected to X-11) X-14 blu Relay 1 NO (should be fused 5A) X-16 gray Relay 1 common (not ground!) *don't use, as of 2014-10-06 known to be associated with the false start issue **don't use per Schneider recommendation 2014-10-06 ---------------- I interlock on transfer switch handle intercepts run signal to generator; when closed generator starts normally I-1 red NO signal (for LED indicator) I-2 grn common I-3 wht NC signal (to interrupt run signal) X-20 run signal - I-2/I-1 - generator (open when switch lockout enabled) X-20 run signal - I-2/I-3 - red LED - ground (lights when lockout enabled and run signal) ---------------- S electric solenoid valve at 500gal tank in fuel shed S-1 red +24VDC run S-2 blk 0V common ---------------- M Manual start/stop switch under transfer switch M-1 momentary close for run BLK M-2 common for run switch YEL M-3 momentary close for stop RED M-4 common for stop switch GRN (M-2 and M-4 could share a lead) ---------------- LED status indicator lights (see ledlabel.odt) In aluminum box with six conductor cable Lead Label Light Reference Conductor LED-1 B+ 24VDC power green A-2 J91-B RED LED-2 generator run control green A-1 J91-A YEL LED-3 generator run indication green A-3 J91-C BLU LED-4 XW run indication green X-9 WHT ground (-) ground block GRN LED-5 aux fuel pump amber A-4 J91-D BRN LED-6 run inhibit red X-5 tbd (loose lead) LED-7 Pentametric SoC relay tbd (loose lead) ---------------- PM Pentametric PM-1000-U monitor unit and external relay on plywood under the XW+6848; this is queried with the PMComm program relay is a Tyco/Potter & Brumfield T9AP1D52-48-03 PM-1 NO relay contact (SPST dry contacts, no polarity) PM-2 NO relay contact ---------------- TD Time delay relay Schneider Magnacraft TDRSOXB-24V need clip 16-1344 on plywood wall; serves to filter out any short starts by the AGS TD-1 -not used- NC (TD-2) not connected to relay dip switch I: off=on delay, on=interval TD-3 2nd pole NC TD-4 NO time range II III IV TD-5* not connected to relay 0.1sec - 1sec off off off TD-6 2nd pole common 1sec - 10sec off off on TD-7 common 10sec - 100sec off on off TD-8** not connected to relay 0.1min - 1min off on on TD-9 -not used- (2nd pole NO) 1min - 10min on off off TD-A coil 10min - 100min on off on TD-B coil 0.1hr - 1hr on on off 1hr - 10hr on on on *(mis)used for connection of PM-2 to X-1 **(mis)used for connection of I-3 to LED signal light ---------------- B buzzer audible indication when TD relay coil is energized but contacts not engaged B-- blk B-+ red ---------------- connections S1-1 TB-5 S1-3 TB-6 S1-5 TB-7 S1-7 TB-8 S1-7 TB-9 K8-12 KEXT-5 K1-11 KEXT-1 TB-3 J90-A J91-A A-1 X-16 S2-2 TB-2 J90-B J91-B A-2 X-14 constant +24VDC (B+) K20-A TB-4 J90-C J91-C A-3 X-12 generator run signal J11-1 J91-D A-4 S-2 solenoid + A1-GND TB-1 J90-E J91-E A-5 X-11 (jumper to TB-9) X-5 I-1 external shutdown return X-6 I-2 external shutdown common X-7 M-3 start momentary switch NO X-8 M-1 stop momentary switch NO X-10 (jumper to X-14) X-11 M-2,M-4 start/stop common, ground S-2 solenoid common /mnt/nfs/local/docs/House/PV/MEP802A/autostart/genwiring.txt